

NEXT....After you have applied the wallboard of the ceiling and all the walls, you are ready to proceed with "welding" and concealing all the joint and treating the nail heads. As the first step in joint treatment,use a 5" wallboard putty knife to better adhesive into the channel formed by the tapered edges of the board. The adhesive, recommended by the gypsum-wallboard manufacturer, should be mixed to a putty-like consistency. Apply moderate pressure, filling the channel evenly.Then lay the special reinforcing tape neatly into the adhesive, centering it over the joint. With the knife, press the tape firmly into the adhesive ,removing all air pockets and excess cement. Next, cover the tape with a thin coating of adhesive. When the first coat of adhesive has dried, remove any remaining roughness by sanding the surface lightly and then apply a second coat, feathering it out on both sides of the recess, leaving it too as smooth as possible. After the second coat is dry, again remove any  roughness by sanding and then apply a final smoothing coat of adhesive, feathering it out beyond the second coat. If any rough spots remain after the adhesive has thoroughly dried, sand very lightly with fine sandpaper. Nail heads are concealed with the same adhesive used to teat the joints. They should be spotted with adhesive the same time that each of the three coats is applied to the joints. If the nail heads are not completely covered with the first layer of adhesive, they should immediately be driven further into the dimple with a crown-headed hammer.

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